Oh, hello. What's it been, several months? Yeah...
Sorry about the absence. For a while it was because my internet was painfully slow and I didn't have the patience to load the site, then I had no internet at all. But now I have high-speed DSL, and I'm good to go.
I've been doing some more work on Panda Sensei and his students. I've got rough designs for all 12 zodiac students, some colored, but I drew them a while ago and I'm wanting to redesign. I might end up doing that soon.
Anyway, here are just a few samples of things I've drawn lately. Please enjoy!
(If you'd like to see more, I've got plenty of drawings on my deviantArt account Here's the link to my gallery: http://superramen.deviantart.com/gallery/ . Moving on.)

It's been a long time Ashley. How have you been? Those Zodiac Students turned out amazing. The dragon and the pig are probably my favourites. I think I like your original monkey better (from your last post). The Tigress is freaking cool too.
P.S. Get off your lazy butt and post more often.
Oh, you flatterer.
It has been a while! I've been good. Not up to a whole lot, really. And you?
I really like the dragon, too, but to be honest, I don't like either monkey that much. The first one is a little too cliche I think, and the second one is... You know, I'm not sure what it is, actually.
P.S.S. Okay, Mr. My-Last-Post-Was-In-March.
I like a lot the Tiger in the blog,So I would like to learn to draw in similar way, so I think that the people who do this work are so important to the kids, well, I would like to say you, thank you so much.
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