Well, I don't really have anything that interesting to say... I haven't drawn a whole lot lately, but what I have been doing has mostly been life drawing. Or, drawing from photos, I guess. Would you like to see some? Sure you would:

Halloween is coming up soon! I need to actually get/make myself a costume this year, instead of waiting until the last minute and ending up not doing anything. My birthday is the 26th of October, so for my party, I think I'm gonna have a costume sort of thing. Presents and candy! Yay!
Umumumm... I guess that's really it. Hopefully I won't wait so long to post again. See you all later!
Some really nice drawings here. God bless those Sharpies!
In the UK Halloween isn't such a huge thing, which is a shame because I think it's so much fun!
Thanks, Andy!
That is a shame. It's such a fun holiday. Who doesn't love free candy? It's really big, with kids especially, here in the U.S. What's it like in the UK?
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